Communicating with others from a different cultural background

As Hearnden (2013) states, when people in conversation are from differing communities and diversities, there is a great danger of misunderstanding each other. As effective communication leads to positive health outcomes, it is essential that when working with individuals of varying backgrounds in my specific profession, that I am culturally sensitive and place importance on the information being conveyed.

This can be done through using interpreters to accurately convey the verbal message whilst I pay attention to non-verbal cues and emotions that may give me a greater understanding of what is being transmitted.

Hearnden, M. (2013). Coping with differences in culture and communication in health care. Nursing Standard, 23(11), 49-57.

As seen in the photo above, in order to eliminate potential language barriers while in practice, the use of interpreters will allow for information to be transmitted.